Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Serving the Underpriviliged

Athlete Recruiting Services has had the privilege of serving an average of 40 student athletes a month. We do this rather humbly, without bragging and without much fanfare. We simply keep plugging away at what we do best, introducing student athletes to college coaches. While we will not turn anyone away, we are honored to be able to help so many underprivileged, at risk and military kids. They worked hard never thinking that there was going to be someone there to help them have a shot at playing at that next level. They worked hard assuming that they would give it their best and just see what happens, or would push as hard as they could for as long as they could, or just kept pushing for pure love of the sport. Whatever the reason, we are here to make sure they get their chance to be introduced to collegiate coaches. We do this without ever having asked for a dime. So while we may not be the biggest or the flashiest collegiate recruitment site, we love what we do and we consider it an honor every time a student athlete allows us to help them. Thank you all.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

When You Are Your Biggest Obstacle

Everyone around us has a story. The best, write their own chapters and preserver through hard work and dedication. This means that they are aware of and accept their own shortcomings and know that if they keep working, practicing, learning, adapting, and challenging themselves, they will improve. They become better. Winners, true athletes, accept the challenges in life and push themselves. Very few will ever know what they are truly capable of accomplishing. Likewise, very few will ever reach the top. Change is difficult but not impossible. You have to dedicate yourself and want it enough. It won't be easy, but you CAN do it.

Our first video.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank You Armed Forces

Lately we have been receiving some feedback regarding the fact that the dependents of military families do not have to pay for their basic Athlete Recruiting Services campaign. While most of the comments are in favor, we would like to clarify our reasoning.
It takes a special kind of person to not only bare the burden of a military life but to also accept the impact on family. This decision is always made voluntarily and with the exception of a chance handshake and thank you at an airport, it is rarely publicly recognized. We provide our service at no charge to the children of these remarkable men and women as our way of saying thanks.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Push Yourself

It’s rare to witness someone truly achieving their potential. It is much easier to just do a little or just enough to get buy or be good enough. It’s difficult to dig so deep that it is all laid out and there is nothing left to give. That kind of effort is down-right exhausting and needs to be duplicated to maximize results. There is also the very real risk of complete disappointment in self if the effort doesn’t produce desired results.
The commitment and risk is absolutely worth it.
Almost everyone has made an effort at some time in their lives to better themselves. Be the person that tries again and again with so much personal drive and dedication that habits form and the effort becomes second nature. Be the one who doesn’t see failure or shortcomings but instead recognizes progress toward long held goals.
Believe in yourself and what you can overcome. Make excuses a thing of the past. You will become your efforts.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's about more than scholarships.

Recent coaching changes at major programs has made the national news circuit. These and other recent events have emphasized the need to seek out recruitment opportunities that are based on more than just scholarship offers. Coaches, even in the most seemingly stable situations can and do change. Program requirements vary. Some very prominent sports programs do not allow their student athletes to pursue particular majors due to team commitments. The day that the student athlete tries to declare their major is not the time to find out that it is not allowed according to the team agreement. Personal relationships between coaches/staff and student athletes can have an influential impact on the student athletes academic and athletic performance and opportunity.
All of this should reinforce the fact that having the right collegiate fit is an unquestionable benefit to the student athlete.
The best situation comes from introducing yourself to as many coaches as you can that fit your criteria and then to put in the time, effort, and research to learning about the schools, the coaches, and the programs. Going to whoever offers the most money increases the risk of ending up at a school, program, environment, or with a coach that does not best fit the student athlete.
The point of Athlete Recruiting Services is to have student athletes realize as many options as possible so that in the end they have multiple "great fit" college recruitment options. This may include a scholarship or a roster spot. But if the student athlete is comfortable and excited from the very first day on campus to their last, then their recruitment process was a success.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Parent's Role

As the parent of a recruit-able student athlete, your job is to be supportive and encouraging. To be recruited takes work. That work load is best completed by the athlete themselves. They need to be responsible for answering the e-mails, filling out the questionnaires, returning phone calls and providing the extra materials that the coaches desire.
Athlete Recruiting Services helps our clients receive an average of 32 campaign views per athlete. With this kind of exposure, there is a lot of added responsibility and work that the athlete is going to have to manage, while maintaining their academics and their school/club teams. While it is fun to get responses of interest from college coaches, these same coaches can be turned off by a student who takes too long to respond or forgets to respond all together. This does not mean that you, as the parent, should respond in their place, or pretend to be the athlete when responding. This will inevitably lead to future confusion and a possible betrayal of trust for the coach.
So be there for your college hopeful. Help them get their videos filmed, their ACT's scheduled, get to or from practices and games, provide private lessons, or help them research schools from the list of college responses that you receive. But, don't take the responsibility for all the work away from them. Today's youth are more incredible and capable then most people give them credit for. Be supportive and you will likely see them rise to the occasion.