Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Serving the Underpriviliged

Athlete Recruiting Services has had the privilege of serving an average of 40 student athletes a month. We do this rather humbly, without bragging and without much fanfare. We simply keep plugging away at what we do best, introducing student athletes to college coaches. While we will not turn anyone away, we are honored to be able to help so many underprivileged, at risk and military kids. They worked hard never thinking that there was going to be someone there to help them have a shot at playing at that next level. They worked hard assuming that they would give it their best and just see what happens, or would push as hard as they could for as long as they could, or just kept pushing for pure love of the sport. Whatever the reason, we are here to make sure they get their chance to be introduced to collegiate coaches. We do this without ever having asked for a dime. So while we may not be the biggest or the flashiest collegiate recruitment site, we love what we do and we consider it an honor every time a student athlete allows us to help them. Thank you all.

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